
Signs You Need New Brakes

Brakes wear out and need replacing. But how do you know when that time comes? You definitely don’t want to find out the hard way—by stepping on the brake and having nothing happen. Your car has ways of telling you that you need new brakes long before they stop working altogether.  But first, let’s talk…
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The Importance of Oil Changes

Your car needs oil changes every few thousand miles, as your car dealership will tell you when you buy a new vehicle. But why? Are regular oil changes really necessary, or is this just a way for dealerships and garages to make money? No, oil changes are not some sort of service garage racket or…
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How To Keep Your Engine From Overheating

Now that the warm weather is clearly on its way, you're likely thinking of ways to enjoy the sun. While sunbathing in your backyard could be a safe option, you may also be planning a cottage visit or a road trip with family or friends. While soaking up some Vitamin D from the sun's soothing…
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How To Protect Your Car From Spring Mud

As the snow begins to melt and spring becomes evident, you're going to want to make sure you're taking some extra steps to boost your vehicle's defense. During the spring, it becomes very wet. Snow is melting, rain is falling, and there tends to be a lot more mud and dirt on the road. This…
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