How Often Should You Change the Oil On Your Diesel Vehicle?

The experience of owning and driving a diesel vehicle is unique in many ways. Cost, power and noise levels are just a few of the differences you will discover if this is your first diesel car or truck. But what about the oil change process? Is it different from the process of changing the oil on a standard gas-powered vehicle? And how often does it need to be done?

Read on for the answers to these questions.

How Often Should Your Oil Be Changed On a Diesel Vehicle?

The recommendation for standard gas-powered vehicles is an oil change every 3000 miles. But a diesel vehicle can go much longer. The recommendation is every 5000-7000 miles, depending on the kind of terrain you drive on and how much towing you do.


What Is the Process To Change the Oil On a Diesel Vehicle?

The process of changing the oil on your diesel vehicle is really not much different from that of changing the oil on standard, gas-powered vehicles. The only difference is in the type of oil that is used.


Should You Change the Oil On Your Diesel Vehicle At Home?

It may be tempting to try to change the oil on your diesel vehicle at home. It can seem like a cheaper option than taking it to the shop. But this may not be a great idea, for several reasons.


The task of changing your oil can quickly eat up a lot of your precious time. You’ll have to do research on how to do it, purchase the materials, and then set aside the time and space to get the job done.


Without the proper training, you run the risk of costly mistakes, resulting in damage to your vehicle or your garage.

You can trust the team at All In The Wrist with your oil change. We specialize in servicing diesel vehicles. Contact us today.

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