Category Archives: Uncategorized

When You Know It’s Time to Repair Your Tires

The tires are the foundation of your vehicle. If they’re faulty or losing air, you lose all control of your vehicle as you cannot direct it to where you need to be. And without fully functioning tires, you put your safety at risk. Tire maintenance should be one of the first things on your maintenance…
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DIY: Ways to Maintain Your Vehicle

Most people start taking care of their vehicles when it’s too late. Car owners are more reactive than proactive with their vehicle maintenance. If you are a car owner, it is very important that you regularly inspect your car and ensure you’re taking the necessary steps to mitigate any risks to your vehicle’s overall health. …
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Signs You Need New Brakes

Brakes wear out and need replacing. But how do you know when that time comes? You definitely don’t want to find out the hard way—by stepping on the brake and having nothing happen. Your car has ways of telling you that you need new brakes long before they stop working altogether.  But first, let’s talk…
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How To Keep Your Engine From Overheating

Now that the warm weather is clearly on its way, you're likely thinking of ways to enjoy the sun. While sunbathing in your backyard could be a safe option, you may also be planning a cottage visit or a road trip with family or friends. While soaking up some Vitamin D from the sun's soothing…
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