Category Archives: Automotive Maintenance

How to Spot a Lemon

Buying a used car is typically an economical route when in need of a vehicle, but it can also be a huge gamble. How can you be sure that this car is going to be a good investment, and not eat a hole in your wallet fixing up pre-existing problems? Even after a test drive…
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6 Myths About Car Maintenance That You Should Stop Falling For

There's a lot involved with keeping a car well-maintained, and thus hopefully preventing expensive problems and breakdowns. Performing the recommended maintenance on vehicles should keep systems functioning optimally, conserving gas mileage and prolonging the life of the car. Maintenance done right should actually save money. However, there are a lot of myths out there about…
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DIY Car Cleaning

Sometimes a quick drive through the car wash just isn’t enough to clean a dirty car, or to keep it clean. Deep cleanings, inside and out, can actually be easier than expected with some unexpected household items. Give them a try and see how much better it feels to drive a cleaner, shinier, better-smelling car.…
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Tire Wear and Tear 101

Keeping cars on the road instead of on the roadside depends a great deal on keeping tires properly inflated, aligned, and maintained. Damage to the tire and improper tire wear can lead to a bumpy or rough ride at first, and end up requiring tire replacement sooner than expected. Tires must have adequate treads to…
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