Reasons Your Diesel Engine Won’t Start

And what to do about it.

We’ve all been there. You go to start your truck and suddenly realize that the engine won’t turn over, no matter how hard you try.


What to do?

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to find out why your diesel engine won’t start and what to do about it.


Diagnosing the Problem

It’s hard to say exactly why your engine isn’t starting, since there’s an array of possible reasons. It’s best to start with using a scan tool to get an idea of what might be going on. This will pick up relevant trouble codes. It will signal if there’s a problem with the timing of the injector or a DTC P2623, which hints at a circuit problem with the IPR (Injector Pressure Regulator). And it can tell you if the fuel is hot enough to start the engine.


Cold Weather Issues

Cold weather brings all kinds of challenges to the smooth running of your diesel engine. For one thing, your oil could have thickened up too much. Try taking a look at the dipstick to determine if the oil looks clumpy; this could be a sign that low temps are the problem. You might also consider replacing your battery; worn batteries often have trouble functioning in cold weather.


Problems With Fuel Injection

Check the pressure of your injectors. Black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe can signal a leak in the injector, while white smoke can mean that your injectors are dirty. If your engine has glow plugs, try taking them out and cranking the engine. The temperature of the cylinders can also offer clues to the condition of your fuel injectors.

Finally, if you still can’t figure out how to get your diesel engine to start, give the professionals at All In The Wrist Auto Repair a call. We’ll be happy to help you diagnose and fix your diesel engine start problem.

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