Essential Maintenance Tips For Your Vehicle

There are so many benefits to using a diesel vehicle. And the best news of all is that with proper maintenance, you can keep your diesel car or truck on the road for many years to come.

Here are a few simple guidelines to keeping your vehicle in top shape.

Keep Your Engine Clean

Your diesel engine likely takes on more distance and challenge than the average gas-powered vehicle. That means it can get dirty very quickly, causing damage to its components and impacting overall performance. This can also affect the fuel efficiency and shorten the life-span of your vehicle.


Replace Air Filters As Needed

When you’re cleaning your engine, take a few minutes to check your air filters, too. You’ll probably find them in a rectangular box near the front of your engine compartment. If your air filter is dirty, it forces your engine to work harder, requiring more fuel when you accelerate. As a good rule of thumb, plan on checking your air filter every 12,000 miles.


Don’t Forget Your Fuel Filters

Your diesel vehicle is likely to have both a primary and a secondary fuel filter; both need to be replaced regularly. The primary can be found between the engine and the gas tank; the secondary probably sits between the fuel injectors and transfer pump. Get in the habit of replacing your fuel filters every 10,000-15,000 miles.


Get Regular Oil Changes

One great perk to driving a diesel vehicle: low oil levels won’t affect immediate performance too much. Still, neglecting to perform regular oil changes is a recipe for disaster over the long term. To prevent extra stress on your engine, plan to get an oil change every three months.

If you need help keeping your diesel vehicle in peak condition for years to come, don’t hesitate to .

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