Common Reasons Why Cars Break Down

Having your car break down in the middle of a road or highway at an unexpected time can be an incredibly stressful and dangerous experience for you and the other drivers in your vicinity. It is helpful to know the common reasons why cars break down because many of them are easily avoided with proper maintenance and service checks on your vehicle. Here are a few of the top reasons why cars break down. 

Low or Dead Battery

A low or dead battery is a major pain for drivers. It will leave them stuck exactly where they are until they can find someone willing to give them a boost. This unfortunate situation is easily avoidable. Be sure to remember that car batteries tend to last about three years, however, if you live in an especially hot or an especially cold climate, the life of the battery might be even shorter. Make sure to have your battery checked by a mechanic regularly and keep an eye out for signs that the battery might be fading. This can include but is not limited to dim headlights and cabin lights and malfunctioning power features. 

Engine Overheating

Engine troubles cause a good percentage of car breakdowns. More specifically, engine overheating can cause you to have to pull over to the side of the road and wait for a tow before you can get back on your way. This particular issue is usually linked to a problem with the vehicle’s cooling system. Often this is due to a coolant leak or a malfunctioning fan or radiator. 

Flat Tire

The dreaded flat tire is another common reason cars break down. Although most of us think that getting a flat tire is simply bad luck, there are actually a number of ways this unfortunate situation can be avoided. Again, it comes down to proper maintenance and service checks on your vehicle. Make sure that either you or an experienced mechanic regularly check tire pressure, tread depth and the integrity of the tire walls. 

Empty Gas Tank

This point is fairly self-explanatory. If your car runs out of gas, it won’t run. This is something we all know and yet some of us play it fast and loose when it comes to our gas tank levels. Not only is this damaging to your car but it can put you in a tricky position if the next gas station is far away. Make sure to always drive with at least a quarter tank of gas so you never find yourself having to walk on foot for your next fill up.  

These common reasons for car breakdowns highlight the importance of regularly servicing your vehicle. An experienced auto mechanic can help ensure that you don’t end up stuck by the side of the road due to an engine malfunction, a flat tire or a dead battery. Contact us today to get your vehicle in for a check-up!

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