Recent Posts by Manager

How to Maintain a Fleet

If your business has a fleet, it's vital to have a preventive maintenance program in place. Whether you have ten vehicles or over 100, preventive maintenance is essential to keep vehicles driveable and available for use by the company. A poorly maintained fleet is more likely to need early replacement and could create unsafe driving…
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When Your Car’s AC Isn’t Working

It's summer, and it might feel like a broken air conditioning system is the worst thing that could happen to your car in the sweltering heat. So when your AC has had enough and quits, what do you do? Is it always a pricey fix? Is it ever something you can diagnose or fix on…
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What’s a Tune-Up?

You've heard people say that they're taking their car to the mechanic before going on a road trip, to give it a "tune-up." Have you ever wondered just what that actually means and when you should get one? Tune-Ups Past and Present Decades ago, an engine tune-up involved getting under the hood and adjusting a…
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When Your Diesel is Hard to Start

It's the middle of summer and your diesel engine is having trouble getting started. The problems that can occur due to the cold weather are well-known and fairly common, such as using summer-grade fuel in winter, a bad glow plug system, slow cranking, or thick, cold oil. However, in summer the problems tend to be…
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